Posts tagged infrastructure
Innovation in Tax Fixed Assets: Hope Utilities Adopts Best-in-Class Lucasys Software

Leading natural gas and water distribution services company, Hope Utilities, has implemented Lucasys’ industry-leading tax fixed asset software. Faced with the challenges of maintaining legacy software systems, Hope Utilities recognized the opportunity to streamline their accounting solutions and transform their business processes.

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Smart Meter Market Trends

Smart meters are an important technology for the modern electric power industry and are revolutionizing the way customers interface with energy grids. By enabling rapid two-way communications between electric companies and their customers, smart meters provide new and expanded services and enhance energy grid resiliency and operations.

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Dueling Proposals: Which Plan Will Transform America's Infrastructure?

In March, the Biden administration unveiled a $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan which included many proposals that specifically target the energy industry, including expanded renewable energy tax credits, mandates for utility system modernization, and transitioning the power sector to emissions-free electricity by 2035. Congressional Republicans responded by releasing a $568 billion counter-proposal which included a more limited scope of what qualifies as infrastructure. Since that time Biden has offered to cut his plan to $1.7 trillion, and Republicans have countered again with second counter-proposal of $928B.

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Texas Power Grid Resiliency

In February, a massive winter storm led to a power outage in Texas that left more than 4.3 million households, around one third of the state’s electricity customers, without power for several days amid freezing weather. Over 46 gigawatts of power capacity went offline under the extreme cold weather event, resulting in broad-based failure of the power grid. The energy outages also affected the state’s water services, either making tap water unsuitable for drinking or stopping the supply altogether.

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Expected Growth of US Water Infrastructure

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recently gave the US a D grade for drinking water infrastructure and D+ for wastewater infrastructure. How can the richest nation in the world have infrastructure ranked so poorly on the world scale, and what investments are being made to improve our water networks?

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