Posts tagged tax issues
Navigating the Age Wave: The Maturing Workforce in the Utility Industry

A significant trend has emerged in the utility landscape that demands attention and adaptation: the age of its workforce. The average age of employees in the industry consistently surpasses the national average. As veteran workers approach retirement, rate-regulated utilities are being prompted with both challenges and opportunities. As utilities confront their own business processes and explore the next generation of software solutions, Lucasys stands as an industry leader.

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Proposal to Increase the Corporate Tax Rate... Again!

In late March 2023, President Biden proposed a federal budget for fiscal year 2024 that will increase government spending in new infrastructure, education, healthcare, and climate change initiatives. To fund the investments, the Biden administration has proposed several tax reforms that will have important implications for corporations. Specifically, the proposed increase in the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% will have a significant impact on rate-regulated utilities

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Solar Generation as Public Utility Property

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued several private letter rulings (PLR) in recent months clarifying the relationship between solar power generation equipment and public utility companies. The main focus is defining whether or not generation equipment with energy pricing based on monthly fees can be treated as public utility property. The designation of generation equipment as public utility property has several important implications, all of which impact how utilities treat the property for tax purposes.

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