Posts tagged tax rate
Corporate Tax Rate Changes on the Horizon… Again! What Utilities Need to Know

As the 2024 election season gains momentum, regulated utilities are facing the prospect of significant policy shifts that could dramatically impact their financial landscapes. Vice President Kamala Harris has recently announced that if elected, she plans to raise the corporate tax rate to 28%. This proposal has raised alarms among tax leaders and CFOs within the utility sector, as the potential changes could lead to substantial adjustments in deferred tax liabilities.

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Corporate Tax Rate Changes Are on The Horizon: What Utilities Need to Know

As the landscape of corporate tax rates remains uncertain, one thing is crystal clear: utilities must be prepared to adapt swiftly when change inevitably arrives. The timing and specifics of these rate adjustments may be hazy, but one proactive step utilities can take is investing in modern tax software that offers flexibility and functionality. Adaptable tax software can empower tax departments to adjust their computations quickly and efficiently in response to evolving tax regulations, ensuring compliance and accurate financial reporting in a dynamic tax environment.

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Details Emerge on Democrats’ Corporate Tax Rate Increase Proposals

Specifics for the “Build Back Better“ (BBB) reconciliation legislation have finally begun to emerge amid contentious intra-party debates within the Democratic caucus. The massive bill encompasses large portions of the Biden domestic political agenda, and debate is ongoing in Congress on the final scope of the bill and how its initiatives will be paid for.

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Corporate Tax Rate Change Implications for Utilities

The 117th United States Congress is now set following two runoff elections in Georgia which have given the Democratic party control over 50 seats in the Senate and the tie-breaking vote through Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. With control of both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, Democrats are now poised to pursue more ambitious policy changes, including a proposed increase to the corporate tax rate.

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