Posts tagged software design
The Cost of Poor Software Design: A Cautionary Tale

If your business is using software with a poorly designed user interface, how much is it costing your bottom line? Perhaps a significant portion of your team’s hours are spent navigating confusing systems, time that would have otherwise been spent on productive projects. Perhaps your team is unable to navigate the systems themselves, necessitating the expense of external technical consultants. The multinational financial services group Citibank recently made an accidental payout of nearly $900M as a result of bad software design. How much do you stand to lose as a result of the usability of your software?

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Restoring a Culture of Data Quality

Data quality is not just an IT problem, it is a business problem. This may not be a pleasant realization for executives who have other things to think about and expect someone on their team to be taking care of such issues. But when your company is attempting to cultivate relationships with customers, shareholders, regulators, and auditors, and you cannot deliver on promises because your data does not back you up, your data problem is now everyone’s problem

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Utilities closely watching FERC ADIT reporting requirements

Comment letters are in, and the waiting game has begun.

On November 15, 2018, FERC initiated RM19-5, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that addresses how electric transmission providers, natural gas utilities, and pipelines must reflect the accounting and reporting of excess deferred income taxes resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Comment letters were due by January 22, 2019.

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