Posts tagged data
Innovation in Tax Fixed Assets: Hope Utilities Adopts Best-in-Class Lucasys Software

Leading natural gas and water distribution services company, Hope Utilities, has implemented Lucasys’ industry-leading tax fixed asset software. Faced with the challenges of maintaining legacy software systems, Hope Utilities recognized the opportunity to streamline their accounting solutions and transform their business processes.

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AEP's Data Revolution: Partnering with Lucasys to Prepare for the Next Leap in Tax Technology

American Electric Power (AEP), one of the nation’s largest utility power producers and operator of the nation’s largest electric transmission network, has a longstanding reputation as an industry leader in digital transformation and technological innovation. Successful operations have led AEP to sustained growth, expanding the organization into additional states and service territories while accumulating a blend of data, processes, and technologies.

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Simplified Implementation and Effortless Data Conversion

Implementing new software systems is a challenging task for rate-regulated utilities given the scope and complexity of their operations. The importance of seamless implementation and accurate data conversion cannot be overstated. Lucasys Depreciation was designed to address the unique challenges faced by rate-regulated utilities and provides an effortless implementation process.

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What Is a kWh Anyway?

The average consumer notices their power consumption two times: when their lights go out and when they are paying their bill. The rest of the time, electric customers generally do not think about the role electricity plays in their day-to-day life or just how much electricity they use on any given day.

Part of the reason that power consumption is not thought about much is that it can be difficult to conceptualize, especially given some of the unique terminology. To help understand power consumption, the following infographics provide a comparative analysis of electricity use.

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The Cost of Poor Software Design: A Cautionary Tale

If your business is using software with a poorly designed user interface, how much is it costing your bottom line? Perhaps a significant portion of your team’s hours are spent navigating confusing systems, time that would have otherwise been spent on productive projects. Perhaps your team is unable to navigate the systems themselves, necessitating the expense of external technical consultants. The multinational financial services group Citibank recently made an accidental payout of nearly $900M as a result of bad software design. How much do you stand to lose as a result of the usability of your software?

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Uses and Limitations of Software Bots

There are many misconceptions surrounding software bots. The term ‘bot’ is applied to a vast array of different technologies, which can make pinning down a precise definition difficult. Clearly the pervasiveness of software bots speaks to how useful they can be. But what exactly are software bots, and what exactly are their capabilities? More importantly, do they have a place in the technological toolbelt of the workforce of tomorrow?

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